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Wednesday 23 August 2017

Be sugar conscious

Hi fam

Today's topic is extremely close to my heart. I know that I'm a grocery blogger but what I will talk about is very important. Everywhere in the world people are battling with sugar addiction.

I'm not saying that sugar is not needed in the body...of cause sugar is important just like fats but people take to much or the wrong type of fats and sugar.I remember when I wanted to lose weight and it was so hard because I just couldn't lose it.I then decided to reduce my sugar intake and voila! I lost weight.My dress size reduced from size 10 to size 6 in less than a year.

I started by reducing my sugar intake on my tea from 4 teaspoons to 3,2,1until I took my tea with no sugar(it's not bad it actually tastes great).What I discovered with sugar is that since our taste buds are used to sugary foods we need to reset by reducing it bit by bit so that your taste buds adjust.From there I started not liking sugary foods and they started to give me headache.I stopped craving junk food and when I ate them they would literally give me gas and stomach ache.

Our bodies don't like too much sugar(4 teaspoons for teens and 6 teaspoons for adults will be enough for our bodies to handle) and if you take large amounts the body stores it as fat which becomes dangerous for our health as it causes cancer ,heart disease,type 2 diabetes,obesity and other diseases.

 Many of the foods that we eat are processed foods which are high in sugar, MSG and other bad ingredients that are killing people.Try eating at home more often so that you can monitor how much sugar goes into your food.Make your own sauces,juices and baked goodies. Reduce your intake of sugary cereals and refined foods(eat fresh foods that are raw or close to its natural form instead of food that is chemically treated).

Refined and processed foods are full of sugar and nutrients like fibre and vitamins are striped away when they produce these foods.I know you don't want to hear this but DON'T drink FIZZY SUGARY DRINKS and ENERGY DRINKS they are full of sugar rather substitute with carbonated water than flavour it with fresh fruits,make your own fizzy drinks by making a "ginger bug"which will be used to make the homemade soda fizzy by fermentation,you can use any fruits you like but ginger beer is a favourite plus fermented foods or drinks contain probiotic which is essential for digestive health. Drink coffee and reduce the amount of sugar you take in your coffee for that "pick me up"instead of energy drinks.

I enjoyed writing this post .If you have any questions feel free to comment below.

Stay healthy and buy smart

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