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Saturday 7 October 2017

Revamped PicknPay online shopping

Hi fam

I'm so happy to be back after my break away.I missed you guys.

I recently tried out the new revamped PicknPay online shopping site and I'm happy to say that I'm impressed,really impressed!.They unfortunately don't deliver in my city but what I mostly use it for is to compare their prices with other supermarkets before I go shopping.

What I do is I write down what hubby and I need and compare between shops.Their site is so much easier compared to their last one.I write what I want and it appears so quick with the price. You can also browse aisles as if you are there personally eg "fresh foods,"frozen food","beverages"etc.They have thought out everything for us.

The page layout is minimalist,simple and straight to the point with the stores brand colours.Fam you can also leave a "special request"for your personal shopper next to the product you want.You can also choose "product substitute"in case your product is not available.WHO DOES THAT!.

Well done PicknPay but I'm just waiting for you to deliver in my area-Warmbaths,but in the mean time I will do my research online and buy instore plus I can still download my catalogues.Fam check them out here www​

Happy shopping

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