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Friday 5 January 2018

Listerine Zero Alcohol mouthwash review

Happy New Year Everybody 

Today I'm so happy to write this post because I was in so so much pain. We take our bodies for granted and it's only when we are sick that we discover how much work our bodies do. Read the post and you will find out why!.

In the beginning of December I got a fractured tooth and I had to go to the dentist as it was cracked in half and I couldn't chew on my right side any longer. I hate the dentist with a passion. It's hell on earth there but I couldn't take the pain any longer.

I booked an appointment and went to the dentist. She gave me three numbing injections because I was still feeling pain. Those injections were PAINFUL!. I could feel every inch of those 3 injections going through my gums.I told you guys that dentists are hell! .She took out my fractured lower wisdom tooth out from the root.

I was in so much pain after the injections worn off,wisdom tooth removals are the worst. One week after my surgery I developed an infection and yes lower wisdom tooth removals are likely to get infected because food particles get stuck in the socket plus I got a hole in the socket a few days after the surgery (apparently it's normal to get a hole since the tooth was huge).

I returned to the dentist and she said I should continue rinsing with salt water and gave me antibiotics. After four days I started developing this disgusting metallic taste and liquid in my socket phew!.I was enough of the headache,toothache and my jawline was PAINFUL. All I wanted to do was sleep all day and my husband was so helpful,he made sure I ate even when I didn't want to. It's true when they say"in sickness and in health".

Imagine a tooth causing all this pain and draining all my energy?. Fam a wisdom tooth can cause that and I decided to take matters into my own hands and I went back to the dentist and told her that salt water is not helping and that to help the antibiotics I needed a mouthwash because food is getting stuck in the socket and it's hard to remove the food from the hole that had developed. I told her that I wanted to try out the Listerine Zero Alcohol mouthwash since it has no alcohol.She said it's ok (please consult with your dentist if it's after a tooth removal surgery).

I'm so happy I did that!. Fam after one week of using Listerine Zero Alcohol mouthwash:

1:The disgusting metallic taste and liquid from my socket went away.

2:The agonizing pain that bothered me day and night stopped.

3:The hole closed,firstly some kind of fat developed than it closed completely.

I'm only left with the actual gum to grow back but while doing research they said it takes about 6 months for the gum to develop fully.

I highly recommend this product but use it after one week of tooth removals(during the first week rinse with warm salted water) and please consult with your dentist before using any mouthwash after tooth removal surgery.

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